72 Kids!?!?!!
"I got a call, and I'm supposed to tell you that 72 kids are 15 minutes away," said office assistant, Iris Stanley. "What?! Are you kidding?" I exclaimed. She wasn't. The estimated group of 36 earliteens from the Adventist campmeeting at Gladstone had doubled. We were not sure if we could handle that many kids. Our director, Paul L. Cole, pulled together a huddle of our supervisors. Donna Keeler, Assistant Thrift Manager, willingly agreed to split her group into two work areas, so we could keep the group size at a manageable 18 kids (we had planned for groups of 12). Bob Wilkening and Paul prepared to handle groups of 18 as well. When all was said and done, they rearranged, sorted and moved a lot of thrift merchandise; scrubed under the food pantry shelves; and listened carefully while we told them about the need, and how PACS is trying to help. And what a difference they made! God surprised us with a large group that we thought would be too many t...