
Showing posts from December, 2012

PACS in 2013

PLEASE BE WARNED! This is a super-duper-early-inside-peek at what we're eying for next year----some of these things are still ideas, not official plans yet. Not all of them are likely to come true. Oh, and this is also dependent on the Mayan Apocalypse failing to come true ;) OK, seriously, here are the possibilities for 2013: Ramp up use of the PACS COW Mobile Food Pantry This is probably the closest thing to a sure-thing plan of the ones mentioned here, as it's already underway. The PACS COW was launched in 2011. It is a walk-through food pantry on wheels that brings the client-choice food system to neighborhoods that don't have adequate resources. Despite last year's launch, the COW has not been as active as we had hoped, due to the struggle to find partner host sites and volunteers during a very busy year with our other services. Dianne Glovatsky, our clinic manager, has taken the PACS COW on as a side-project, and is actively forming partnershi...