The Beacon Project, Part 1: Signage/Lettering Upgrades
The paint job, signage, and other exterior elements at PACS have surpassed their lifespan. While the high level of need over the past few years has kept us focused elsewhere, we are now at a place where we can no longer ignore the blight our facilities are rapidly becoming on the neighborhood.
That's why we have launched the Beacon Project, aimed at making PACS a visual beacon, rather than a blight, in our neighborhood. The goal is to complete all elements of the Beacon Project this summer.
The Beacon Project includes the following fixes and improvements:
- Improve/replace exterior lettering and signage
- Raise/replace main building facade
- Replace current windows with energy-efficient, double-paned windows
- Re-paint both buildings (colors not yet chosen)
In this post, I want to share a couple concept plans we have put together for the signage/lettering part of this project. The purpose of this specific improvement is to 1) take better advantage of the marketing advantage being located on a VERY busy street provides through visibility (current signage has poor contrast and is not eye-catching at all) and 2) make it easier for visitors to find the entrance to our parking lot, and the proper entrance to to our buildings, since we have multiple departments with separate entrances.
Please bear in mind that these are simply CONCEPTS right now, and are SUBJECT TO CHANGE. They include a DRAFT version of an updated PACS logo and wordmark that is currently still in development. The final version will be modified from what you see here. Fiction, a branding firm in inner Southeast Portland, has blown us away with their incredible generosity in donating this logo/wordmark redesign to us.
Check out the two concepts below (the picture in the center is a panorama of PACS facilities as they currently stand, and the surrounding orange-framed call-outs show the changes/additions we have conceptualized. You can click on the concepts to get a closer look. As you can see, not only is the streetside sign enlarged and redesigned, but signs are added to each entrance, clearly marking the Food Pantry/Health Clinic entrance, the Donation Center, and the two thrift department entrances (they are in separate buildings).
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The whole project, including the signs, paint job, windows, and other exterior improvements, is estimated to cost about $95,000--the windows being the largest chunk of that. We will be seeking a grant from the Portland Development Commission to cover part of these cost, and working with other foundations and individual donors who have an interest in the project, to cover the rest.
If you are interested in making PACS a better visual presence in the community, you can donate to the project by visiting our website, and clicking the "Donate Now" button.
I hope you enjoyed looking these concepts over. Additional blog posts will be coming over the next couple of months, providing more detail on other areas of the Beacon Project.
Feel free to leave a comment with any feedback you may have. We welcome your thoughts on these improvements.
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